My loss..

So I didn't exactly have a miscarriage.. Let me explain more...
On August 13th 2015 I found out I was pregnant.  My husband and I were elated! We started picking out names, guessing the gender...
On Septemeber 15th tragedy struck us... I was at work and started bleeding. Not a lot just some but it worried me a lot so I drove myself to the hospital.. My husband arrived an hour later.. What we thought would be a few hours in the ER turned into 11 hours.. We found out that I lost the baby... So they told us to come back in a few days to make sure my hcg levels were going down...
On September 17th we went back and we found out my hcg level was higher then it was two days before... We started to become hopeful.. Don't judge but we thought I was carrying twins and just miscarried one... Then the doctor informed us of what was really going on...
Molar Pregnancy...
A tumor...
A tumor that could turn into cancer...
They had to go in and remove it all before it got that far... 
I was in the hospital for 4 days straight... My husband stayed by my side which helped get my mind off the tragic loss.. Then he left for Navy boot camp and the depression set in...
I've been better since then but I can't help but fear that I won't be able to give my husband a family...
We started trying again this month, and I'm hoping soon we will have our miracle baby!