Lactation Cookie Allergy

Brittany • Mommy 💕
Hey, mamas! I have been saved many times by lactation cookies when my supply was low. I've tried recipes from Pinterest and Google; the ingredients are usually almost identical. Last week, my husband and I were in Walmart, so I decided to grab ingredients there. I chose the store brand because they were cheaper. I also grabbed ground flax seed instead of whole flax seed (like I usually get), because one of the recipes said to used ground. Yesterday, I decided to make the cookies. I started rolling dough with my hands and after a few minutes my arms felt really stiff (like I couldn't bend them at all). I pulled my hands out of the bowl and noticed that my fingers were red and swollen like balloons. I had started getting a rash on them as well. As soon as I washed them with soap and then applied topical Benadryl, the swelling started to go down. I had washed my hands before rolling the dough and I hadn't introduced anything new to my hands other than the dough. Do you think the Walmart brand ingredients could have caused the allergic reaction? Or was it the ground flax seed? I hadn't eaten any of the dough before I got the reaction, so idk if it would cause my throat to swell up. Do you think it's safe to eat the dough? Would baking it make it ok? I don't which of the ingredients are safe for me to eat. I've never been allergic to anything before. 😔😩