i need help:( he stopped feeding from my breast..

Nur • Pregnant & excited & happy .. Got 2 dogs and 2 cats :)
Hello girls , i have 13 w baby boy. He stopped feeding from breast like 3-4 w ago , i had low milk supply, after 5mins breast feeding , if he cannot get as much as he wants from my breast i had to give him the milk i pomped before or the formula .That hurts me very much....  i got like 15 oz a day ,( 400ml) if i pomp my breast like 3-4 times .. This is not enough for him , he drinks much more than this ..i really really want to get back to breast feeding again , i need him .. That was my biggest happiness recently ..please can you help me with this issue,i tried sns manually , but couldnt succeed.. When i give my breast to my baby to feed,he cries very very much that his color turns to red , he wring his hands like boxers , i mean he gets so mad ,he refuses me :((( is it possible to make him want to suck my milk and increase milk supply.. You know i look after my baby all by my self all day, at night like 00:00 my mom comes till morning that i can sleep and my husband is at home like 19:00, all day i am alone from the first day when i got home from hospital..i hope you can advise me somethings .. Thank you very much ..