Rant 😡 dear mother and father ...

Tatyana • mother to a beautiful baby boy. engaged . 21 y/o
I don't want your fuckin advice. I don't need your advice on how to rais MY BABY. I know good and well what kind of responsibility having a baby is but I'm a grown woman who has been with her fiance for three years. I've never called you asking for money. I've never called your crying because we were fighting. I don't need you for SHIT! And for you to tell me if I don't get back in school your going to take my fucking kid.!! DONT EVER TELL ME THAT YOUR GOING TO TAKE MY BABY FROM ME !!!! those are fighting words. The only reason I never fucking graduated was because YOU made me leave when YOU where pregnant and your mom died and couldn't fucking take care of YOUR kids!!!!!!! YOUR THE REASON IVE BEEN STRUGGLING SINCE I WAS A KID!! I'm trying to build a better future and life for my baby and you WILL NOT take that away from me!!!! Going back to school takes time and money and both of those are things I don't have to spend . I am going to go back to school but when IM READY not YOU!! I don't care if you are my parents. I left at 17 and haven't needed you since . And I don't plan on needing you ever again. PERIOD! YOU WILL NEVER GET TO SEE MY BABY IF YOU THREATEN TO TAKE HIM FROM ME.!! it's that plane and simple. ... Rant over.