Sex after ectopic

I got pregnant March of 2015 after trying for four years. It was an ectopic. We of course couldn't have sex until my hcg hit zero (-5) so we did other things. Then once I hit zero my OBGYN told us to wait a few months and told me to take prenatal with folic acid. So when I finally could have sex it was like the end of August... My husband and I have not had sex like we used to since before all of this. It is so frustrating to me. He says he is scared... That the whole situation scared him and the fact he could have lost me in the process. I of course and scared too but man... How are we supposed to get pregnant if we don't do it like rabbits... I mean come on! lol He is always saying we will get pregnant again. I'm all over here like hello in ovulating! What to do?? 😒 I am trying to be patient because I know it will eventually happen... He says God will bless us again... I tell him well he can bless us of we aren't putting in the work too. Hahaha geez!