Need advice... 😔

Long story short my so and I aren't really together anymore... I ended it last night because I was tired of going to sleep every night wondering what I did so wrong for him to treat me like shit. He wasn't abusive or anything, but we're just no good together, and he made me believe in my head I'm a piece of shit and am not worthy of him.

Anyways, we live together and he took off just about an hour ago. I'm assuming he's going to stay at his fathers house, since that's where he grew up and finds comfort there. But the thing is, I'm 38 weeks pregnant and could go into labor any day now, since I've already been in preterm labor before... I don't know how long he'll be gone, but he packed up quite a bit of things, and after all the things that happened last night I don't know if I should let him know when I'm in labor or not (if he's not back by then). I mean, if he's selfish enough to leave knowing I'll have this baby any day now is he really worthy of knowing? Or should I drive myself to the hospital and do it alone?... 😔 The hospital is only 5 minutes away from here, and his fathers house is 35 minutes away.

I don't know what to do, ladies... I want him to experience this with me so badly, and I know he wants to too, but I think he's being very selfish... Please give me some advice, and don't be afraid to hurt my feelings. My head is clouded and I want to hear the truth.