Anal sex..

Okay so has anyone ever had this happen? So I've never had anal before but since I know men enjoy it I let my SO soon to be husband do it. He lubed it up and took it slow for me. Not gonna get into detail lol but afterwards there was a spot on his penis 😫 how does people do anal and not come out with something on their SO penis? As a joke when he finished he was like "now let's see if there's any poop on there" 😂 "Yeap there's a little spot" he got it off and we want at it again but in the front cuz I couldn't again in the anal right away. Is this normal?? It made me feel somewhat better knowing he could joke about it!! But If so, how do you ladies handle this? Are you shy when it happens or what. What do y'all do if this has ever happened with you an your SO?