Rocky relationships

Anyone else's relationship with their spouse been rocky since baby? Having my son is the biggest blessing ever . I get that having a baby adds stress... I'm on maternity leave still and my sons 8 weeks old. I am the one who is home all day taking care of him (gladly) and up all night (would be nice to get an offer for help tho).... Seems like my husband and I have been bickering over stupid crap and it ends with us not talking for the rest of the evening even tho I want to talk because I like to resolve things unlike him who'd rather just "let it go" ..when he gets home from work he does his thing and what not and sometimes can take hours until he's free so he can watch our boy which allows me to have free hands and do what I need to do. He is saying that as soon as he gets home, all I do is bitch about what I need to do and just hand our son over to him. I swear he has no idea how hard it can be being home with a baby all day especially one who fusses and  cries a lot .. I don't just sit around and watch tv and paint my nails. I barely have time to pump or eat or use the bathroom! Just needed to rant sorry... To add, I let him sleep on the weekends even and would just be nice to feel appreciated or get an offer to help out. 😞😪