Cheating or Anxiety??

So my current boyfriend has a very clingy ex. She apparently kissed him at his Christmas office party, but he said he pulled away. The thing is, is this happened AFTER he asked me on a date. Like we were talking, but not in a relationship. And he NEVER told me this, until we were in a relationship together. I'm just really confused as to how to think about this. And because of my anxiety and past ex's, I'm scared he may be hiding something else. He said he didn't want to tell me because he didn't think it was a big deal, so I assured him it was, and now he promises that he will tell me everything that happens between them and stuff, because she still tries to talk to him and get with him. Should I be scared? I love him and I know he loves me, and I know I trust him. Am I just letting my anxiety get to me?