Pregnancy reveal 💜

Mercedes • 20 yrs young😋 i have two handsome baby boys. (2 & 1) im married to my partner of almost 5 years 💍❤️ baby #3 otw 👣👶🏼
Although i'm only 5 weeks (+ some days) & generally most people dont reveal until the second trimester I made the decision to reveal early. I'm 19(almost 20) & I already have two beautiful baby boys. (25 months & 11 months) I've also had 2 miscarriages (one inbetween each baby) & i've never revealed either if those pregnancys or losses to anyone but my husband (their father) & I went into deep deep depression both times due to not being able to talk to anyone & not having support. I knew announcing this early was a risk but a risk I took 💕