
This may seem very petty and stupid of me, but it's got to me so much, and with my currnent state of depression everything seems so much worse to me. 
I have to go to my boyfriends on Saturday, and his older sister is pregnant. 
She has always been nice to me, and is the only one I am relatively comfortable around, but she is an avid smoker. 
This has never bothered me, as I don't care much for people's decisions or what they want to do to themselves, but now that she is carrying another little person that has no say in being pumped with carbon monoxide, I feel so anxious about going. 
It's bothered me to the point I feel sick, even though I know it's not my decision or my baby, but i can't help myself. 
My severe PCOS prevents me from my future miracles, and she is damaging hers, all because of a habit. 
I've got myself so worked up about it, yet I can't even begin to explain how I feel. 
I just don't know what i will do if I see her smoking, I don't trust myself not to say anything, but I don't want to ruin the small amount of kinship we have. 
I don't know what to do, I'm such a state. 
I know it's her choice, and I respect that, but it's making me physically ill with worry for her baby, even though I have been told he or she is fine. 
Why would she not give up such an awful habit for the sake of her child?