My period story

I had woken up one morning to take my morning pee. As I pulled my pants down i saw blood in my underwear. I thought "hmm I probably just scratched myself somehow or something" then I wiped and it was on the toilet paper. I didn't have cramps or anything. But I was scared so I got up and waddled around the house because I didn't know what to do. My dad was at work (I live with him) and I had no girl or anyone at the house. I called my aunt and told her I saw blood and I thought I got my period. I was crying my eyes out when I was on the phone. She said to calm down and she will be over there soon. As I'm waiting for her I'm waddling around the house and drinking water to calm myself down. She comes to my house with a box of pads..she told me to put one on and I could go to her house. I did all that and she bought me a lot of chocolate bars. I had no clue why so I had asked. She told me it was supposed to help with cramps. Then we went to the store and got a purse for me to carry my stuff around in because I thought I was a big girl now. Now I am 15 years old and my periods are terrible as can be!