Lack of motivation

Is it me or does anyone else lack motivation. This is my 3rd year and im not even in the nursing program. Honestly I wasn't planning on going to college. But my then bf actually shed the light on the topic and I realized that in order for me to get what I want outta life I kinda have to go to college. My goal is to be a labor & delivery nurse and when I started college my advisor really screwed me over y telling I had to take certain classes ( when I didn't need too) and told me I was able to take the classes I really needed to take until I took the one she claimed I needed. I'm really behind the schedule I planned for myself and I'm loosing motivation. I still have 3 more semesters until I'm even considered for the nursing program. And I work full time so it's like I'm just over school right now but I don't want to work in jobs that have nothing to do with becoming a labor and delivery nurse. So thats pushing me to go to school but I just really don't have the motivation I used to have. Does anyone else feel the lack of motivation going on? How are you dealing and pushing forward? I kinda wanna find friends that are trying for the same feild but I don't really feel the community college I'm at so I kinda keep to myself.(which isn't the best idea but I can't really help that) what are some studying technique?