Going to Loose Everything...

This is long, but I've GOT TO VENT. Sorry in advance.

My SO and I have been together for a year and a half. I am currently 9 months pregnant with his child, ready to give birth any day. When I got pregnant I thought he was amazing, responsible and would do anything for his family. The type of guy who would work two jobs to support us, if that's what it took.

Fast forward to now. He works a seasonal job, and refused to get a job for two months after being laid off. Instead he collected unemployment, which was only about $400 a month. He found a full time job a couple of weeks ago, and things were looking up until the new boss hired someone else and cut my SO's hours back to next to nothing. He was making more on unemployment. He texted me this morning while I was at work, depressed about getting his hours cut. I told him to go out and put in applications and texted him a huge list of places that were hiring. I told him to go into unemployment and file so he would get partial unemployment. I told him to call the ladies at his old job and FINALLY get his W2 so he could file taxes and get his refund. I told him not to be discouraged, that he was trying. He is bipolar and I didn't want him to be too depressed about everything. I tried to be supportive.

Remember, now. I'm 9 MONTHS PREGNANT and working FULL TIME. I'm due next Friday and I just told my boss I need to start maternity leave after this coming weekend.

I waited all day for him to come by my work and get gas money and go turn in apps. He never showed up. I got off work and called him to see if he wanted to meet up for the gas money. He didn't answer. I texted him. No answer. Again, I AM NINE MONTHS PREGNANT and could be calling to tell him I'm in labor. No answer for a half an hour.

He finally calls me back and says he is still at home and oh, he thought I was bringing home the gas money. Now I'm irritated. I get home and his car is running. His almost out of gas car is sitting there running. :/ I come I the house and he has done NOT A BIT OF housework all day, didn't even bring his dirty dishes downstairs from the bedroom. He plays me two songs he has recorded. He wants to be a rapper. Apparently he stayed home all day and got high (he has a $400 monthly marijuana habit) and worked on his music. He DIDN'T GO LOOK FOR WORK AT ALL!!!!!

I'm pissed. I'm so mad I'm crying. We are two months behind on a few bills and one month on the rest. I'm starting maternity leave, I CAN NOT work, we are going to have NO income! WTF am I going to do? I want to shake him and tell him to man up! But I don't want to trigger his bipolar and have him have an episode. I want to cry, I want to scream. I can't believe he's not EVEN trying. I don't want to crush his dream of being a rapper, but it doesn't pay the bills AT ALL so I want to yell at him about that, too! I want to dump his ass right now! Not only does he not help pay the bills he doesn't even try to save money! He hasn't cut back on his weed like he said he would. Said he'd quit smoking cigarettes, asked me for cigarette money today. He used all of our data allowance on our cell plan last month PLUS $85 MORE. He eats everything in the house. If I buy a 12 pack of soda, my kid is lucky to get one before he's drank the rest. He ate a WHOLE BOX of cereal in one sitting when I got home from the store the other day.

Not to mention he won't help around the house or even pick up after himself. I work full time, am nine months pregnant and I do EVERYTHING.

He is bipolar and recently diagnosed, and I am trying to be supportive but his lack of give a crap, if that's what it is, is pushing me to the limit.

Any advice? I don't know what to do.