
So last Monday we found out our baby didn't have a heartbeat. He would have been 12 weeks last Wednesday. But the baby wasn't measuring 10weeks. So last Wednesday instead of celebrating making it through the 1st trimester I went in for a d&c.  Tuesday I went back to the ER due to severe bleeding. They put me on a med to dilate my cervix and contract my uterus. It is hell. And on top of it all I'm lactating. In one week I have literally lost my mind. I am trying to keep it together because I don't want my son to see me falling apart. My husband has been my rock but he is out of town this week. I am just at a loss and don't know what I'm supposed to do. My job isn't really helping as my boss is a dick and I'm pretty sure he wants me to leave since I have been out of work for a week and a half. 
Any advice? I am in no way religious and would prefer to not hear "God has a reason for everything" etc.