Feeling defeated..

Brittany • Hello!!:) I`m 24 years old and married for 8 months now! I`ve got two step kids and trying for some more babies!
I'm not so sure I fit in this group so if not I can unjoin! 
My husband and I have been trying a little less that 9 months to conceive with no luck. 2 weeks ago I had a lot of pressure on my lower abdomen and pain on my right side. I contacted my gynecologist and had to get a ultrasound and vaginal ultrasound done. They found fluid in both Fallopian tubes and I went today to see a fertility specialist. I go next week for a HSG and I'm freaking out! I don't know what to expect or even what to do after the test if I get bad news. I guess I was just coming here looking for some support and maybe some insight on others experiences. Thanks!