In Need of Some Advice!

Okay so me and my boyfriend have been dating slightly over 7 months. And we've had sex a bunch of times. And so the last 3 times, he has came inside me. And I'm okay with that because we both sort of want kids, but we're not "trying". If that makes sense. But anyway. Lately he's been different and I'm not sure if I'm just being a teenage girl (I'm 17) and being dramatic or whatever, or if something is going on here. So anyway, there is this girl who really really likes him. And I've asked him to stop talking to her, and for a few months, he did. Well now they're back to talking. And I wanted to have a mature conversation with him about it, and he  said that he just doesn't care anymore. And I was like "care about what?" And he just kept repeating himself saying that he didn't care.  So long story short, he said "shut the fuck up. You're starting to piss me off". And so he's never talked to me like that before. And I just sat there in disbelief. And it's just a roller coaster of emotions with him. I never know if we're going to have a good day, or a bad day. And he doesn't hug me like he used to and kiss me like he did.  But here's the part that has me thrown for a loop, when we're outside of school or having sex, he's fine. He's sweet and caring and he's great. But when he's around people, his a beast to deal with. And he's almost 19 and about to graduate and I think he's just done with school so i don't know what's going on.  But any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks for reading this, I'm sorry it's so long!