Bleeding after my period ended?!

My last period ended about 12 days ago. It actually lasted longer than my normal 6-7 days and it didn't stop until about the 10th day which is unusual. My periods have been irregular for most of the time (I'm 22, almost 23) but they only recently started regulating and being almost predictable. My cycle is normally between 28-35 days. Until now. I found some blood yesterday and it was brownish red and it's been steady all through today too, but now it's more of a red color. It's been steady but only enough to go through about a regular pad for a day, though I'm not supposed to have my period at all right now. I don't know what this means and it's starting to worry me/ reall annoy me haha. I've never been to a gynecologist before so I don't have a doctor to call and ask. 
I researched online and they said it could be ovulation bleeding. I've never had this before but my tracker does say I ovulated the day before I saw spotting. Can any of you ladies help?