Had to put my male Chihuahua down on Tuesday and plan on getting a female tomorrow

He was my baby. He did everything with me. He went everywhere with me. He had yo be put down due to a liver mass and anemia which he has always had but has gotten worse over time. I just got his ashes back today and felt at peace to have him back with me. Were going to adopt a female chihuaha tomorrow. On one hand I feel like its to soon and I'm doing him a disservice on the other I think I'm doing a good thing by adopting an unwanted pet like he used to be before I got him. Its hard to not have him around anymore. I miss him so much. My question is I don't want to be viewed as a bad pet owner by the vets office for taking in the new dog not even a week after I had to put baby bruiser to sleep. What do you think?