1st Round Clomid

Hey Ladies! 
I took my first round of clomid earlier this month and AF is now 4 days late. This is my second month without progesterone so I was using my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">period tracker</a> for an estimated start date. I'm worried to test too early and have heard that clomid sometimes has an effect on your cycle length. I did have a CD 23 blood draw that said I ovulated.  I'm trying to have patience and not get my hopes up. I'm having very mild symptoms that could be PMS related or early pregnancy related. Has anyone else been in this situation? I was thinking of waiting until I was a full week late before testing. I just want to make sure I'm giving my body time to work it's cycle.