33 Weeks & In Pre-Term Labor

I started having contractions on Monday night, and went to my dr on Tuesday for my regular appt. They monitored my contractions and checked my dilation, then confirmed that I was having pre-term contractions rather than BH. I was only dilated to 1/2cm, closed cervix. They decided to go ahead and give me two steroid shots for baby's lung development, in case he decides to come early. I was sent home for the day, and went back to work on Wednesday. I worked only until 1 pm that day, due to starting that cramping feeling again, with sporadic contractions. Went home and rested. Thursday morning at 4am, I started having consistent contractions, increasing in discomfort so we came in to Labor & Delivery to be checked out. My cervix was now open, dilated to 1cm. My dr put me on a magnesium drip and monitor, and here I am 24 hours later trying to sleep in a hospital bed :) So far, contractions have definitely spaced out, but still having that awful cramping feeling in my lower abdomen. But all in all, baby and myself are responding well to the magnesium. I'll be here another 24 hours, but really don't know what to expect once realeased. I'm positive that my dr has a plan, but have any of you experienced this, and were you sent home on strict bedrest until birth?