I started having contractions at about 730 that were 7 minutes apart they turned into 3 Minutes apar...

I started having contractions at about 730 that were 7 minutes apart they turned into 3 Minutes apart so we went to labor and delievery. Well they sent us home at 10:20 because my cervix wasn't dilated after an hour of us sitting there my contractions were still 3 Minutes apart. I refused to go back to the hospital if I wasn't dilating so I just suffered threw the contractions literally yelling all night lol I got up to use the bathroom and I passed a big blood clot so we knew that wasn't suppose to happen so we decided to go to the hospital. Well when I got up off the toilet I had a contraction that knocked me right back down and she was crowning. So I walked down the steps to get ready to leave out the door and my water breaks so I told my huband to call the ambulance and went and sat on the toilet. The person on the phone told my husband to pick me up off the toilet and put me on the floor. So soon as I sat on the floor one big contraction and a push and she was out and my husband started freaking and crying and I was in complete shock that I had just pushed a baby out on the floor. Worst pain ever in life but so worth it.