Mistake: am I wrong?

If you made a mistake that may have hurt someone and they claim they forgive you but they bring it up all the time. They say they want to be with you and that every time they bring up I should just deal with it and let them say what they wanna say because I'm the one that chose to make the stupid decision. A lot of times I feel disrespected and he occasionally calls me out my name. I take full responsibility for my actions and I apologized a thousand times. How long am I suppose to deal with the disrespect since I am the one that caused this? Am I wrong for feeling like I should leave or should I just suck it up? I truly love this man but I can't keep letting him make feel worthless or like the scum of the earth. I know people have done worse. It's starting to make me feel like I don't deserve to be loved because of my past choices. I'm changing and I don't wanna keep being reminded of the past. Should I leave? I already tried talking to him about it but he just don't get how much more he's damaging me.