Update on the induction...

33 hours in and I'm 1cm. I'm not kidding. They gave me Cervadil as soon as I checked in yesterday, got me to 1cm (and checking me at the end of the 12 hours was absolutely TERRIBLE. I cried, a lot). Then they started pitocin for about 8 hours - gave decent contractions but didn't dilate me. Another doctor came in, stopped the pitocin and gave me Misoprostol instead. Started getting mild contractions about three hours in (I get a dose every four hours). Now I'm about an hour into the second dose and waiting impatiently. It's almost 7 here, so I'll deliver tomorrow, likely. Which I'm okay with - it's my birthday 😊
Had a dose of fentanyl early this morning, but no other drugs so far. Still hoping to get through it without an epidural!