Maternity leave in U.S. makes me sick

After reading some posts from women who live in countries where they can take an entire year off, with PAID leave (as they SHOULD) makes me realize what is truly wrong with our country. We are all business, all about money, and businesses that only care about themselves instead of their employees. 6 weeks. 6 weeks is what we consider standard time off to take care of your newborn child. And UNPAID at that. Also depending on your company they dont even guarantee your previous position when you come back.. just that you will be given a position. I for one, don't even think my company HAS maternity leave.. my time off will be at the grace of my employer allowing it. And PAID? I am sure I wont be getting that, just have to save my vacation time. I did have to let my boss know about my pregnancy already, because I am high risk and needing more doctors appointments than usual right now, so needing coverage for me to be able to go to appointments, and she already asked me what my plan is.. will I work through my pregnancy? (Yes I plan too) And what is your plan after? ( I JUST found out I am pregnant, and after many losses.. so still kinda in shock, and just wanting to make sure pregnancy is healthy, I dont know. Didnt plan on quitting though) I understand.. in her head from a business perspective.. she is trying to think about covering me.. or needing to replace me I guess.) The way this country thinks is sickening thouh.. How about politicians start focusing on what truly matters to us.. the reasons we go to work, our FAMILIES. END RANT -stressed and hormonal