12w2d and a subchorionic hematoma

Hi. I'm pretty scared. I'm 47 yo, pregnant with donor egg <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">Ivf</a> twins. Everything was going great (numbers are good, morning sickness present indicating good progesterone level, heartbeats and measurements perfect).  Then this past Wednesday I gushed watery blood followed by a large clot. Went to ob and still saw two heartbeats and moving babies. Then yesterday (the next day) I gushed a puddle of blood., followed my many clots and more and more blood the entire 4 hrs while in ER   I got diagnosed with a large (7x6cm) hematoma between both placentas and my uterine lining. 
Apparently these are not uncommon. But they are usually smaller and in earlier pregnancy. They usually mend themselves but mine is so large and my age is a factoring risk, they don't know what might happen. So I've been told to rest, don't lift or exert Etc. 
I have a threatened miscarriage at this point. I'm not currently bleeding- or if I am it's not so much that it's coming out.  The waiting and not knowing is horrible. And I have a 5 yo to take care of also. My husband helps but he works so it's not a consistent help. 
I hear lots of positive outcomes. But of course none of the stories are quite like mine with age and <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">Ivf</a> etc. 
So I'm just posting cuz I don't know what else to do. I feel my babies moving around which is comforting.