Two diaper bags?

FTM here, I've been struggling with which kind of diaper bag I want to get, at first I thought I wanted something that looked more like a black gym bag sort of so my hubby could use it but now this is what I'm thinking....
A nice diaper bag for everyday that's good for quick trips to town and into the grocery store that's more like a nice purse with extra room and pockets for a few baby needs (diaper, wipes, change pad, pacifiers, receiving blanket for spit ups). Something easy to bring everywhere, not too heavy or bulky, and something I would always keep with me even if I didn't have the baby with me
A second diaper bag that's a little bigger and maybe resembles more of the typical diaper bag style and looks more like a nice gym bag to be used for a day trip or long day out, to be left with whoever is watching the baby if we go somewhere without him/her, the one my husband would take if he had the baby without me, the one I would use if we were going overnight anywhere, etc would have room for the basics plus a few outfits, a blanket, an insulated little cooler bag for some bottles/food etc
Does this make sense or is it totally overkill? 🤔