Guy too nice??

Is it possible for someone to be too nice? I posted a week or so about my friend setting me up with her guy friend. One of the issues is that he is not even in the same state as I am and I am getting licensing for my career in my state that won't transfer so moving there isn't happening anytime soon. Also he's just so nice... like he isn't aggressive he isn't alpha male or dominant. He's like soft. I feel like rough sex would never happen. He is also very modern whereas I believe in traditional gender roles. The woman is at home taking care of the family and cooking and cleaning. Idk I feel like I'm just being picky because he isn't what I expected and with me wanting babies soon and marriage I don't have forever for this distance gap to close. At the same time though he's interested in me and so I feel like that means something I should pursue that because it's hard to find people. Idk I feel like I'm picky