My cats and my baby ...

We brought our little one home yesterday and our 2 cats didn't give him a very nice welcome ! One if them even hissed at me and my mom...  They won't come near us or the baby and they seemed very scared and alert . I even had my husband bring some of the baby stuff the previous night so they could get used to his smell . I don't know what to do. I'm really worried they will scratch him  . I love my cats but my baby comes first. Has anyone else experienced this before and how did you deal with it? 
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Perhaps they just need more time. I have 3 cats and they all adjusted to baby differently. One was in his bassinet the second baby came home, one was curious but distant and would only go near baby when I was holding him and the other is only comfortable coming out when baby is in his own space. None of them has acted out violently but they'll try to lick baby or cuddle him and I have to push them away.


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My 2 cats could sense the hormonal change as soon as I got pregnant. They started peeing on things in my areas, and deliberately not using their box. We tried everything to get them to calm down but nothing wouldn't work. I was too nervous to bring home a newborn with them acting out. My cousin ended up taking them in and they have been perfect angels for her.


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Honestly it's because they're jealous Megan said that you brought something home with you that you love just from the way your body languages and your scent is different just showed them a little love and affection when the baby is asleep and they'll come around mine were like that when I brought my oldest home and within a month of him being home they just love him


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You could try a feline pheromone like feliway at a vets office or comfort zone at the pet store. It comes in a diffuser you plug in the wall or a spray you can use anywhere. It works for a lot of cats in many stressful situations. I use it whenever we move, introduce a new pet, etc. 


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My cat has been in his room since I brought my son home from the hospital. We have a bassinet set up in our room for my son. The cat has made a point to claim my son's space... the cats even peed right next the litter box just to make a point of her unhappiness. .. . I'm guess cats can be possessive. I think if you show your cat some love... it might mellow out. Good luck.


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It's just like if you bring home another cat. They have to get to know the new family member first and make sure you show them lots of love too. They'll love the baby eventually(:


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My mum’s cat HATED me. I was a noisy, foreign thing and it took time for him to get used to me. Cats are territorial and it takes time for them to adjust and become comfortable with something new. Keep them separate, but treat the cats with lots of love, so they’re not too jealous of the new thing. Treats often and play. It’s so hard and I really feel for you. I have two dogs to deal with when baby comes home!


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Cats are territorial just keep an eye on them and keep them separate when ur not around it should get better with time 


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I have 2 cats. One was extremely aware of baby being there and was just curious, he now lives her (only when we are around of course, safety first) and the other cat hissed and growled for a few days. Now she just keeps a good space away from baby. But the hissing stopped. we will see what happens when baby becomes mobile. My older cat has never been very nice, so I hope she just keeps staying away as time goes on


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That makes me so sad. My kitty loves my baby girl. Then again she's 10 years old and she's used to babies and toddlers. She hopped in my lap when I first came home with my daughter and it took her 5 minutes to even notice I had a baby in my lap. She sniffed her, licked her hand and curled back up in my lap. Just love your kitties and be nice to them. They'll come around. Good luck.