Struggling between guilt of not working and wanting to cut my hours


Lately I've been wanting to cut my hours at work. I'm a massage therapist and sometimes even just three hours of massage is enough to put me in pain (depending on the clients). I used to be able to do 6.5 hours in a day and be fine, now I have a hard time getting through my last massages of the day...

I've been thinking of going down on half my hours, but I feel really, really guilty about not working, especially when my husband works so hard. He keeps telling me to let him know when I need to stop working. He's so understanding, but I feel like that makes me feel even more guilty for wanting to work less. I know that doesn't make any sense and I'm a weirdo. 😞 I just know we need the money and I feel like I'm slacking on hauling my weight.

Anyone else struggling with these feelings?

Due April 29, btw.