The in-laws

My hubby and I have been married nearly four years. In that time, his family--except for one sister and aunt--make no effort to call, come by to visit, etc. His mom cried through our whole wedding  because she was losing her son, and has recently moved back. The two times she's called me since moving back in December have been to ask if my husband is home. She jokingly said the other day...guess I need to change you in my contact list because I still have you saved as ------'s girlfriend. Again, we've been married almost four years and she doesn't even have it listed under my name. Just her sons girlfriend, which isn't even true.
If my family comes to visit or we go to visit them, she claims we treat them as more special than her. We visit her and his grandparents all the time. She will want to go to church and out to eat with us, but then we wind up paying for every meal because she can't afford it. She has been hounding us to have a baby, but I feel like she just wants a grandchild from HER son and will never accept it as OUR child, if that makes since.
I don't know what to do. I thought his family would eventually accept me as his wife, but it's like they just view me as a means to an end. Extra income for her son, someone to give him a child, etc. I feel like they obviously don't give a crap about me. Am I being a baby, or am I right to be aggravated?? 😬