Constant pregnancy questions.

I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say this. Okay, I UNDERSTAND a lot of you have legit pregnancy questions, I UNDERSTAND a lot of you are probably on the younger side & get worried easily when it comes to this topic, but some of you are just being ridiculous. Please scroll through other questions that have been asked because I swear I see the SAME questions being asked about 10 times a day. 😁 & Also. Long story short. YES, if your boyfriend comes in you at all, you have a chance of getting pregnant. Pre-cum, cum. Both. YES, if a condom malfunctions, you can get pregnant. YES, it's rare but it can happen, you can get pregnant while on BC. 
Also, don't over stress over a late period. Many girls experience late periods, due to stress, medication, etc. I believe a pregnancy test is more accurate 2 weeks in. So just a heads up.