Younger sister rant!

Liz • 25, pregnant for the first time.

Okay, I have to get this off my chest, because it is eating me up, pleas let me know if I am being unreasonable!

My parter and I have been renting my mother's house from her for the past three years (she lives with her partner) which is lovely. It's my childhood home, centrally located and the yard is huge, so we can have chooks and a veggie patch. We're happy here, and mum doesn't charge us exorbitant rent, which is great.

My younger sister and her BF broke up about a year and a half ago, and she moved in with us after the split. She was working full time, and paid her share of the bills and did her share of the housework and cooking, so it wasn't a big deal. It was sometime frustrating, since it's easy to fight with your siblings, as you both know how to push one another's buttons, but we got along pretty well.

She then moved interstate for a work, leaving all her furniture and stuff here, until she "settled in" where she was. The job didn't work out. She moved back in with us at the start of September, and we offered to cover her rent and bills until she found another job, so that she wasn't living off her savings.

The problem is, that it is now halfway through February, and she still hasn't found work. (though she has been able to find the money to travel and go to quite a few music festivals during this time) Whenever I try to talk to her about money she gets prissy with me, and acts like I am being unreasonable, asking for her to help out a bit with bills and groceries. I mean, we're not made of money! I work part time, as I have insomnia, and working full time really impacts my mental health. My SO and I get by okay on one and a half salaries for the two of us, but it doesn't seem fair that she thinks it's okay to keep sponging off us. It's been nearly six months! And we have a baby due in June!

She is my sister, and I love her to bits, but she is really pushing it, and I don't know how to confront her about it without coming off as being a bitch. Our parents haven't been much help, as mum wants to stay out of it and dad doesn't think it's fair for me to kick her out of the family home. I wouldn't care if she was contributing to the household, but it feels a lot like she is using us, when we were trying to be supportive after her plans to move fell through. I feel like she doesn't care, or is oblivious to the fact that her actions are impacting on my partner and I, which really hurts.