Dianna • 19 year old cosmetologist currently in my third trimester with my son Liam Àngel Hernandez! 💙👶🏽😇
My baby boy has arrived and I am so in love with him. Due date was feb 17th and he came on February 19th, 2016 at 1:20 pm 
Weighing 8 lbs 2 oz and 21 inches long. I started having contractions and I timed them by the second one. They were already 5 mins apart. 
I waited 2 hours before heading to the hospital. When I got there they checked me and said I was at a 2 or a 3 and having contractions for sure. They said they would watch me for an hour and let me know if they were going to admit me. 
An hour later they came back and said I hadn't dialated any more and I should go home. Well I KNOW my body and I knew my contractions were getting worse. So I waited in the waiting room for an hour and I asked to be checked one more time because my contractions were noticeably worse, and the nurse went on and on about how this is my first baby and I don't know what I'm talking about. She checked me at I was 80% effaced and 4 cm! So they admitted me! 
I labored for 16 hours! My doctor finally had to break my water and give me pitocin and I did get an epideral! I pushed for 30 mins and BOOM. At 1:20 my life changed forever as my son Liam arrived! That was the best moment of my life. Mommy loves you baby boy!!!!