My BF & I need couples therapy

Jessy • Hello! My name is Jessy. I am a certified Dental Assistant, and a Certified Health Insurance Agent!
So every time I try to have a mature conversation with my boyfriend, it becomes such a big deal! I'm 22 and he's 26. I believe that at my age, I'm doing pretty well in life. I work with many health insurance companies. Let's say I'm doing great finiancially. But my bf recently lost his job, and he has NO MONEY saved. I tried to approach him in a very light and gentle way of how we should make a plan to save up money. Because lately he's been asking me for money so he can pay his car bill, light bill, and cable. But how is it that I never ask him for money to pay MY bills? He said I make such a big deal when he asks me for money because I'm being stingy. One thing about him is that he loves to go out to nightclubs. Might I add that he used to be a club promoter (that's how we first me). I just don't understand why go out if you're broke? Now he's asking me for money to pay his bills when he spends it at clubs. He gets angry and upset every time I bring up that subject. He's the type that will listen to anyone else instead of me even though we tell him the same thing! 😔 how can I get this through his head? Help!