Workaholic SO??

My SO is always working over time and privet jobs lately, it's getting annoying coz he works all week 11am-7.30pm and I'm at home all on my own with our 1 year old, last thing I want is you be stuck in on my own weekends too!! Urgh!! I keep telling him no to take on any work this weekend and stuff, but no as soon as someone rings him he has to go and fix it for them. (His a mechanic) or if he gets a call out from his actual job he'll go straight to it. There are 2 other mechanics  that work in his garage why can't one of them do it for a change!! 😡 whenever I actually try to talk to him about it we end up having a argument and he asways says "oh your the one that wants the extra money!" And moan when we don't have any left towards the end of the month" 😔 I don't know if I'm over reacting or not it just really pisses me off, I want to get out and do stuff with him at the weekend it's like he just doesn't want to spend time with me and our daughter. Iv even checked through his phone to see if anything eles is going on with him, but there's nothing suspicious in there. Just really gets me upset when he just doesn't give us a second thought and just go work for a nearly a hole day, and won't be back till about tea time!! It's not like we desperately need the extra money, i can go without money for like a week untill payday know what I mean? I don't know think I'm just being stupid and feeling lonely 😂