Placenta previa

I'm 13 weeks and my obgyn diagnosed me with placenta previa. No excercising, no sex, no traveling... Does somebody else have the same situation as me? It seems I just can't stop worrying about my little princess, first with getting to 2nd trimester, now this... 
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I had placenta previa with my son but as the pregnancy progressed the placenta moved and I was able to give birth vaginally. Don't worry about it much your uterus has plenty time to stretch allowing placenta to move up or aside. 😊


Hope • Feb 21, 2016
🙏🏽 Prayers that all goes well.


Rebecca • Feb 21, 2016
I really try not to stres, but once I have it on my mind, its hard to go away 😒 i have another check up in 10 days, so I hope it will start moving upwards 😊


Posted at
How do you get diagnosed? I'm scared now because my only ultra sound so far was at 9 weeks (so before placenta has formed, right?). I've been exercising and having sex as usual.


Brianna • Feb 22, 2016
Continue as normal as long as you don't have any issues. Don't worry until you have a reason to worry.


Rebecca • Feb 22, 2016
They see it on ultra sound.


Posted at
When i had my nt scan about almost 12 weeks they told me i have that and wont be able to know more until my next scan over 2 months away, sooooo scared


Rebecca • Feb 22, 2016
The obgyn did a transvaginal exam , noticed it and said tht if it doesn't move upwards until 20th week, he'll put me on bed rest.


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I had it with my son and found out about it at my 20w scan. I was told it was a complete previa and my friend who is also I midwife told me to go and get another opinion and have have them do a transvaginal this time. Transvaginal shows a much clearer picture, when I went for a second opinion a week later I was told it was a marginal previa, so still all the restrictions but not a complete I was told prior. As I grew my placenta moved to a low lying and was able to have a vaginal birth. With this pregnancy I'm 13w and just had a scan a few days ago, I had asked where my placenta was due to my previous previa and was curious, and I was told it was too early to tell, at this stage almost all placentas are considered previas because the uterus is still relatively small, therefore they don't say anything at this stage. Your next scan you'll know better and ask them to do a transvaginal to confirm. If you go online and research previas from the SOCG guidelines you'll get some really good information. Good luck girl, and congratulations! 


Posted at
After some heavy bleeding at 11 weeks I was sent in for an US they discovered a preavia but told me not to worry to much about it BC the baby and everything will still move up throughout the pregnancy... They have me on pelvic rest and said they would check it again to see if it had changed at my 20 week US... And also to let them know if I had any more bleeding... Its very scary... But I try to not worry to much... Stress is not good for mommy or baby...


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I have it. I'm 16 weeks and mine has moved slightly since 12 weeks. But not much, as your uterus expands it generally moves but they will just monitor it. Try not to stress