Weight gain due to mirena

Okay so after i had my daughter 6 months ago I chose to get the birth control mirena and it's done me good I just don't have periods anymore. But the one down fall is the weight gain. I have always struggled with my weight ever since elementary. but after my first pregnancy that was it I tried everything then I got it under control lost weight I was fine with myself then I get this and I weigh as much as I did in 6th grade which is 200 and some lbs. It's making me a emotional wreck.. I'm working on getting this gym pass but if I don't get it I'm going to have a break down ... This weight gain is making me get to the point to where I don't want my bf touching me or looking at me naked or anything like that. It's ruining me. I guess this post is just to get this off my chest be I have no one to talk to really about this stuff.. I'm struggling and it's making me super depressed.. I'm trying so hard.