TTC 1st cycle using Letrozole

Amber • 30 years old. We have one daughter, born on 2/10/14. TTC #2 since December 2014. Finally pregnant with #2 due 12/4/17!
We tried clomid for 3 months, no success. First cycle on Letrozole. Doc found 2 possible follicles! Hoping it works. I actually think I ovulated this cycle.. Finally! Got my solid smiley and dark test lines on cycle day 18. (I usually ovulate late) but my temp didn't start to climb until 3 days later. Temps are staying high though! Hopefully that's "normal" as I know your suppose to ovulate 12-48 hours after peak, and mine was longer than that. Don't know what that means. Anyone have success of Letrozole???? Thanks and baby dust!