
Amanda • My fiance and I have been together for 2 years. I have 3 angel babies and am 4w3d pregnant ❤ Xxx
Im confused..sorry to be a pest and keep posting but I keep thinking about this possible m/c ofcourse :/ Im still bleeding red which I know can mean m/c but these lines are odd to me. The bottom test is from the 17th and was really faint then the test from today is noticeably darker...I thought if I was miscarrying that the hcg would have to drop which would make me have a lighter line? Any thoughts or input would be very helpful...
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I think you've got pretty good answers, but the darker test is a good thing! It is possible to bleed in early pg. It's called breakaway bleeding. I've also heard of the subchorionic hematoma being fairly common. As long as the test keeps getting darker, it means that your levels are climbing. Climbing levels are good.


Posted at
I had really high hcg with my miscarriage. So high it took 4 weeks after a d and c to become negative. I've also bled red blood with this little one and it's fine. I've seen heartbeat. Hang in there just relax and try not to think ahead. Good luck


Posted at
How many weeks are you? Have you gone to Doctor yet?


C • Feb 21, 2016
Just don't have sex or workout and stay off your feet till you see your doctor


C • Feb 21, 2016
Mine was red also. Try to relax and remain positive. My doctor had told me as long as it does not fill the pad it's okay. Xo


Amanda • Feb 21, 2016
c, it isnt spotting its red and its not extremely heavy but it has a pretty good flow. barely anything leaks on the pad...but when I go to the bathroom quite a bit drips in the toilet :/


Posted at
I had spotting/bleeding I'm almost 8 weeks. The ER didn't catch it when I went in for bleeding but the doctors office did. I have a sub chorionic bleed. Which I will continue to bleed or it will be absorbed by my body. Obgyn said no sex no tampons no heavy lifting and bed rest. Have not bled since.