Boyfriends baby momma

Savannah Rae • Rainey Nicole March 25th, 2016💕 Asher Miles November 23rd, 2018💙 Baby A (ectopic) July 13th, 2022💚 Kellan Joseph May 17th, 2023🌈 Va✈️La
So my boyfriends baby momma has 4 kids by 3 different people .... No biggie . 
The fact she has no job , neither does her husband she lives off child support and off the government . Her youngest is a month and a half old and it's been confirmed that she is pregnant again . She's trying to go after my boyfriend for more child support because she complains she doesn't get enough money . She gets about $400 in child support a piece for her oldest two . The younger two are with her husband , she gets about $900 in food stamps plus another $300 in TANF . Sat there and bragged that she got $10,000 in taxes and a week later is demanding more money . I'm pregnant and due in March with my first , money is already tight before I was pregnant and she wants to sit there and demand more money or she's gonna take their daughter who is 8 away from him . This chick is crazy .