I HATE my skin... Help me!!

MicMiller33 • Mom to 2 beautiful girls, Kirsten- 3 👧🏼 & Lena- 18 months 👶🏼, baby #3 due September, 2020 💜💜
So I turned 30 this year and my skin is a total disaster. I have the darkest circles under my eyes. I have occasional acne that just won't go away. I hate the color and dullness. I can't seem to get it moisturizer correctly. Makeup looks terrible and I've tried like 7 different foundations in the last few months- I never used to wear foundation but it looks so terrible I thought maybe that would help. I literally cannot cover my under eye circles enough- they are so dark they appear under ANY concealer o& foundation I use. PLEASE HELP!!!!! Does anyone have a skin care regimen that they love? I've used MARY Kay for awhile & I think that's a major part of the problem. I keep thinking this is part of aging but then I see other women my age & their skin looks NOTHING like mine! I am in serious need of a tan but I'm afraid if I start tanning it will just be worse on the long run. Please help my glow community!!