I can't be the only one that can feel her growth spurts!

So towards the end of last week Little Girl was abnormally still for 2 days. There was still movement here and there but NOTHING even close to what I was used to. After the two days her movements kicked back up again. Now I can tell she's bigger! My stomach feels so much more full and heavy. It's crazy. This is the second time I've been able to notice a sudden increase in her size following a day or so of not much moving. Has anyone else experienced this?
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Posted at
Yes! Every time he gets quiet for a few days I know it's a growth spurt! It was scary at first but now I'm thankful for the rest haha!


Posted at
Yes!!! I said it to my husband the other day.  This is my second so I feel like I'm more aware of the entire process. 


Posted at
I can too! It has happened a few times now where I can tell he is having a growth spurt. He gets very quiet, my stomach has a terrible stretching feeling, I get so tired I can barely move, and have an increased appetite. This happens for a day or two then he perks up and I feel back to normal lol 


Posted at
Yep! I've felt two definite growth spurts just like you described. Much lower activity for a couple days then all of a sudden she's moving a lot again but she feels huge!!