Post partum periods

So, I'm almost 7 months post partum, I had my first period return at 6 months and started the mini pill around 4 months PP.  I've never made it this far with a period because I got my period one time PP at 4 months (previously) and got pregnant, twice so I have three kiddos and this is my first time not being pregnant.  Should I expect my period to continue to fluctuate for awhile, or will being on the mini pill make it more regular? 
I was "supposed" to get my period yesterday and I started spotting Friday, I haven't started a legit flow, and it's only been spotting.  Do I count this as a period!? Or just count it as spotting and don't count a period at all..?! Should I test next weekend if I still don't get anything? Just confused, don't think I'm pregnant, but was hoping I'd be more regular. 😒