
I am in a sticky situation with my significant other, currently we're not together because of him easing his way out of an abusive relationship with his girlfriend where she told him she would kill herself if he broke up with her, but me and him know where we do stand. I trust him and I know everything that happens between him and I've chosen to let him do his thing and easily back out of it without feeling responsible if she does something because after being together for 3 years, I know he is always going to care about her in one way or another. However, next year I am starting college and he is transferring for a graduate program. He wants to stay in California, but I was planning on going to school out of state and we've talked about it and how we're always going to have each other no matter how far we are from each other, but I don't know if I should stay closer to home because of him or pack my things and move across the country to follow my dreams and risk breaking my own heart.