Due date was supposed to be 2/23/16

We have been trying to conceive for over 18 months. Every month that goes by and AF shows up is another huge disappointment. I got pregnant in June and miscarried at 6 short weeks. During the past 9 months, which were supposed to have been wonderful, I have struggled with crippling depression. It's affected my relationship with my husband. He has been super supportive and I couldn't ask for a better partner but I can't help how down it has made me feel. It has affected my work, I recently had a warning meeting with my boss to let me know they have noticed my work is slipping. (I broke down in the meeting, it was so embarrassing). I have found out several people I know are pregnant. I have been invited to countless baby showers. With each pregnancy and baby shower I get more and more depressed because it isn't me. I have tried to act like it isn't bothering me but with what would have been my due date looming just a few days away I don't know if I can handle it. I know I'm not the first person to experience this. Please let me know, if you have been through this, how did you handle your "due date"?