Shower Rant

In my family, and most people I know, it is agreed that you only have one baby shower. My husband's family says one per baby. I don't want to turn down a shower because it is out first boy and money gets tight but I wish my family would throw it. My mil will throw it and she'll have tons of people who speak mainly spanish, who I don't know. I'm grateful but wish circstanced could be different. It makes me feel so fake and phony to be at a party surrounded by strangers accepting their gifts and having nothing to say because no hablo espanol. Not kidding, have picked up very little in our seven years together. My sister, who I am closest to, already said she probably won't attend because I've had three showers already (for my two girls). Just feeling frustrated with this whole situation! **If your best advice is "Suck it up, buttercup!" Hold your tongue, that's plan B! Lol