
I recently found out that when you block people, all it does it make it so YOU can't see them. They can still see, and even interact with your posts. I do not even understand the point of that since you even get notified that theyre doing it. Which takes away the whole secure feeling that blocking on other social media provides. I found an older poll where Glow explained that it would be "confusing" if blocking meant that you couldn't interact with the blocked/blockee at all... but honestly I just don't understand how. I would honestly think that if someone was against the blocking being so complete- it's because they're the ones who are going to be blocked. There are already missing parts in convos when people's rude comments get deleted or people delete comments themselves. It's not so confusing that everyone would rather deal with the abuse. Or is it?!

Do you think blocking someone should mean you can't see them at all and they can't see your comments or comment on your posts?

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Posted at
I think you have a point, but also if someone's creating drama, just ignore the person. 👍🏼 be the mature one and move past it


Posted at
I understand but these are polls that opens  to whom ever. It not set up like Facebook.