
Monique • A mother of three one on the way
I was eating at a fast food place just sitting outside on a nice day. I noticed a lady (early 40's) staring at me. Here male  companion had his back to me. She asked me what buses run by.. We were on a major highway and I have never seen a bus 😳. So the guy turns around and stares and I feel so creeped out I go to walk to the car and leave. They get up and follow me. I looked back and she says excuse me can we ride with you? I got in my car and the guy tried to yank the door open. I locked it in time and pulled off! 😣😣😞😢😪. All I kept thinking is they want your baby. Please be careful ladies and carry some mace or pepper spray. This world is cruel and people will destroy you to get what they want. SO SHAKEN