Counseling During Pregnancy ?

Should I ask my girlfriend to go to relationship counseling with me ? We seem to have a hard time communicating - which is stressing me out.
My girlfriend is 14 weeks pregnant. I am very supportive to her. I have been positive about everything !  Although not expecting the pregnancy, I am excited - and over joyed that we would be raising a family together. 
However, she is always irritated or disappointed about something. Recently she became upset with me because someone sent me a text message saying I should text a female friend happy birthday - because they would probably  be disappointed if I didn't. My girlfriend took the random text as if my friend has some type of romaric feelings for me. Also, my girlfriend felt that the person who text me was disrespectful to her. 
Now I have been without any communications with her for a week. She answered the one time I called and rushed me off the phone - because she believes I don't have any thing to talk about. She also believes me wanting to know how her day was and how she is feeling is just small talk. I really care about those things. 
She also have a problem with me having a positive friendship with my fomrer girlfriend. I feel like she wants me to hate everything from my past - however I am not that type of person.  I don't keep grudges. 
I am trying to find a way to address this issue - while give her space. I also would like to communicate better with my girlfriend. I love her - and don't know if the pregancy is causing all this. 
Also, I want to know if suggesting counseling for us is a good thing during pregnancy. 
We have been in a relationship since August '15 - however known each other from college.  We live in two different states and communicate mostly thru telephone and FT. I normally get to visit her in person on the weekend. I am 25 and she is 27. She is a working professional, while I am conducting postgrad work . 
I needed to vent and seek guidance from this community.